




The DNA to dare is still alive and well!
The picture on the left is of our previous president(Kazuyuki Taguchi) with the Taguchi shaft tower that laid the Company’s cornerstone. The spirit of those days, to dare to take on challenges and build something from nothing, is still alive and well.As we approach 100 years since our founding, we will continue making new suggestions.

Shouldering expectations and taking pride to heart.
Our staff meet customer expectations at sites throughout Japan.The motivation is pride in supporting Japan’s infrastructure along with all of you.
*Including the number of employees at the Hatten Kogyo Co.,Ltd and TME Co.,Ltd.

Our sales prove that we overcame challenges.
We have thought every day about solving customer issues. Our steady sales are no more than the results of that consideration. We look forward to other new challenges at the next new sites.Taguchi Industry is even now striving with the latest technology to solve those issues.

Solving site issues with patents.
Our continuous belt conveyor systems remove sediment from tunnel faces outside the shaft.In response to requests from customers to apply this technology to the removal of sediment from centrally conducted invert construction, we developed a structure to carry sediment from the middle of the conveyor.Customers were delighted to receive what they asked for, making this a profoundly memorable patent.
[Japanese patent number] 6707609
[Invention title] Facility of crushing stones and sand in tunnel construction